Our Team

We are not agents but corporate relocation specialists with property management expertise.

Ash Aziz

Head of Sales

With over a decade of knowledge and experience Ash has quickly progressed Homely to a new level. He not only brings on new tenants on a weekly basis but has a great relationship with all of our Landlords which means whenever we get a call into the office its for Ash.


Haya Aziz

Business Development

Haya reaches for perfection in all of her actions, which means her determination and pure attention to the smallest of details means we thrive in providing all our clients with the best that we can offer. Haya has been the pure driving force of Homely from its inception.


Mike Brenson


Mike being the marketing wiz has enabled Homely to really grow and if you’re reading this now means that Mikes done his job really well. You’re exactly who should be reading this and being on our website.


Brett Slater


Brett manages all of our financial transactions making sure Landlords are paid on time as well as making sure if there are any issues we at Homely can step in. Brett is our numbers man however he is great with words and always brings his positivity to the team.


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